Saturday, March 7, 2009

Be Your Own Designer??

Have you all ever thought that designing your own House?
So that its suit your style and taste?

But when you decide to do so..
There is always some problems will occur which is:

How To Start?
Where To Start?
What to Do?
Which Types of Concept to Used?

Does some of the Question above sounds familiar to you all?
If so...
is hard to make decision when designing unless we hired Interior Designer to help us.

The topic that i going to discuss today are Can We Be Our Own Designer?
The answer that i going to tell you all is "YES"
Sure you can be your own designer just with a little of guidance and tips.

With this Tips and Guidance, soon your house will become the way you wanted with low budget of cost.

With A Little Touch..Your House will As A Luxury House..

On the following topics, I will dicuss some of important element in House which are:
Living Room
Flooring Gardening
Lighting & Appliances

Hope this tips can help you all who wanted to DIY your house...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Housing Policy in Malaysia? Part 1


In many developing countries, public sector has been associated with low-cost housing for lower income groups.

Public intervention in housing markets ranges from the provision of subsidies for lowincome households to the construction of public low-cost housing for poorer households.

The provision of cheap housing as a basic social need has been emphasised in Malaysia’s social development programmes.

The public housing programmes in Malaysia falls under the social sector of the national strategy.

Housing policies can be grouped into 3 categories :

  1. Before 1970
  2. 1970s to 1990
  3. After 1990s

Housing Policy before 1970

There are 2 housing policies before 1970 (before independence and the post-independence):

The Colonial Housing Policy (1948-1960)

Before independence, the concept of public housing was associated with the

provision of institutional quarters. The only programme providing housing for the Malaysian people was the resettlement of Chinese (New Villages) during

emergency period.

It was a part of British’s administration strategy to weaken the support for communist insurgency.

Hard core of the housing problems during this time such as houses which are

inadequate both with regard to accommodation and conveniences; and houses which are suitable in themselves but have become a danger to public health due to gross overcrowding.

Hence, a committee had been setup in December 1946 to consider and report the housing problem in Malaya.

Two types of housing which needed attention:

  1. Squatter type dwelling (hovels)
  2. Overcrowded cubicles

The committee's report recommended the establishment of a Housing Trust with

powers to lease or purchase and hold land and buildings, to build houses, shops and shophouses, and to sell, lease or let land and buildings. The Housing Trust is empowered to acquire land in accordance with existing law, and to borrow and raise capital or make loans.

It also given the power to require the owners of vacant land in appropriate cases to develop them, or in default to pay special 'development rate', which would be accrued to the Trust.

Policy On Home-Owning Democracy (1961-1970)

The post-Independence concept of public housing advanced from merely

providing housing for government officials to the concept of home-owning democracy.

Second Five-Year Plan (1961-1965) was concerned with the provision of cheap housing as a basic social need. Rural public low-cost housing programs implemented by the Housing Trust were targeted specifically towards rural poor households with incomes of below RM300 a month.

The First Malaysia Plan (1966-70) stressed the role of the government in


  • low-cost housing as 'one of the major efforts of the government to promote the

welfare of the lower income groups

  • the lower income groups were given special attention because 'the incomes of

this economically weak section of the community are too low to encourage

private developers to enter this field of housing development'.

  • the services of the Housing Trust were provided to state governments on

generous terms for undertaking low-cost housing projects.

  • the need to tackle the squatter problem in larger urban areas. New construction techniques intended to speed up construction and to lower costs compared with the conventional method.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Interior Design in Housing Quality

As far as we know, Housing Exterior in the key factor that determine the Housing Quality,
But, this is not complete true,
because there are some other elements that affecting the Housing Quality.

The topic that i wanted to discuss in this post are:


Before getting started, let looks some of the picture below:

What do you all feel about the Interior Design that show in the picture?
Do you all wanted this kind of design in your house?

Nowadays, as our demand are getting higher and higher.
The demand of Interior Design in our are also getting higher.

I am sure that most of us would like our house to be design as the picture above.

or anyone who wanted their house to be designed like the picture below?

Therefore, there is no point to having a Beautiful looking House which is looks great outside,
But as for the interior part...
Its looks like empty with nothing inside.

The interior itself also shows the Quality of a House itself.
The usage of space in the house would definitely make a big different.

The choice is yours whether how do design your Internal Space of your House.

But as for minimum, A Good Quality of House's Internal Space should have at least:
  1. Living Room
  2. Kitchen
  3. Bedroom
  4. Bathroom
  5. Drying Yard
This is the minimum requirement for the Low Cost Housing.
If you are living in the Medium or High Cost Housing,
I am sure that there are more other function of space that been included.

Most of you guy would probably wonder why Interior Design got to do with the Housing Quality??

In my opinion, Interior Design plays an important part in Housing Quality.

in the Home that you will be living for the rest of your life.
Therefore, is it reffect the Quality of Your Life...

Different Interior Design will shows different type of Quality Lifestyle that you are living in.
The orientation of your furniture, your kitchen design,
living room layout,colour scheme
even Bathroom design also vital in determine the House's Quality.

It is not true that having luxury Interior Design,
mean that you are living in a Quality House.
Even with a simple Interior Design also make A House in good Quality.

The Most important concept in Interior are "Usesage Of the Space "
The key of sucess to design a Quality Interior House is through space allocation

Unsold, Overhang And Oversupply Of Housing in Malaysia?


Issues of Unsold, Overhang And Oversupply Of Housing

One of the main issues which is regularly being discussed and debated in the Malaysian housing industry is on the unsold, overhang and oversupply of housing development throughout the country.

The National Economic Action Council (NEAC, 1999) has identified that one of the reasons why the economy of the country suffered badly during the 1997 economic recession was due to overhang and oversupply in the property market, including in the housing property.

Official figures published by the National Property Information Centre (NAPIC) from year 2000 to 2005 (Appendix 1) clearly proved that the issue of overhang of the housing property continuously exist in the Malaysian housing property market.

A total of 51,348 housing units unsold or overhang in the year 2000 with a total worth of RM 6.6 Billion remain as an issue until 2005. The latest figure in 2005 also shows that there are 19,577 units or 20.45 % from the total 95,714 units launched, is in the category of overhang with a total worth of RM 2.63 Billion.

The overhang figure in 2005 slightly increased from 15,558 units (18.9 %) in 2004 and 9,300 units (13.3 %) in 2003 which worth RM1.34 Billion and RM1.87 Billion respectively.Further to the overhang issues highlighted, information of higher figures in total unsold housing
comprising of completed, under construction and unconstructed which are already launched for sales should also need to be considered. Data in 2005 shows that 102,430 units, represent 32.58 % from 314,441 units launched is in the unsold category. Total unsold housing in 2005 also indicates an increase compared to the previous figures in 2004 and 2003. Further to that, the data on sales performance of new launched housing units from 2001 until 2005 also indicates an issue of overhang and unsold in the housing property market.

In 2001, housing sales performance is at 53.0 %, slightly increases to 54.7 % in
2002 and steadily decreased to 52.3 % in 2003, 48.0 % in 2004 and 46.0 % in 2005.
Besides the critical figures of unsold, overhang and low performance in the new housing launch sales, data on oversupply of housing as published in the National Physical Planning (NPP) Report (2002) also highlighted the overall issues in housing development in Malaysia (Appendix 2).

The figure which only covers Peninsular Malaysia indicates that out of a total of 5,338,000 units of housing supply (including existing and committed units) in 2000, basically required only 3,941,000 units to fulfil the households housing need at that period. This figure indicates that around 1,396,000 units are actually an oversupply.

Similar problem exists in the housing need in 2005. By comparing with a total supply in 2000, its indicates a surplus of housing supply is at 755,000 units. This surplus figure will be more worrying if new committed units from the period of 2001 to 2005 be considered in that calculation.