Sunday, December 28, 2008

Exterior Desing in Housing

A Good Quality of Housing is come from its:

Exterior Design and

Interior Design

Exterior Design of the House plays and important roles in determines of its Housing Quality.

The design of the House will affect the Quality of Life of the people who are living inside it.

Almost everyone in the world would wish to live in the House that which its design is in the good view and nice. (I am One of It also).

I am sure that no one wishes to live in the house which is in bad condition. The exterior of the will be the main attraction to the people when come to determine the Parliamentary Quality of a certain House.

Let look at some of the Picture below then which types of House’s Design you prefer?

A high end Mansions?

Simple Design Terrace Houses?

Normal Low Cost Flat?

House like this one?

Or House which make up with scrap of Metal??

Happen to see the Picture above…

Now tell me which Types of Design you prefer for Your House?

I am sure most of you will choose the one with at least have some of beautiful designs rather choosing the lousy design house.

So is quite simple to determine the Design of the House, is like when go dating with someone or interview, your first impression is vital. House Design also like that, its first impression of the Design will mostly be the main keys element to determine the Quality of the House.

There are still some other thing that can affect the Quality of Houses, but the Design of the House is the one of the aspect that most of the people that firstly looks into.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Housing Quality

How do we determine the Quality of the Housing?

Is it from its appearance or Exterior Design?

Duta Suria Town House

Form its Interior Design or Layout?

Interior Design Show 2001

Or from the Landcaping around the House.

Artesian Landscaping

A Good Quality housing is a combination of many aspects of Housing Development.

These aspects are included the:
  • Exterior and Interior Design
  • Housing Orientation and Layout
  • Housing Material and Workmanship
  • Provision of Utilities and Facilities
  • Ventilation
  • Landscaping and Surrounding Environment
  • Maintenance and upgrading
All of these aspects plays an important role in the total Housing Environment and Quality.

Most of people will be thinking that Luxury Houses, High class Condominium and other High Class Residential will be consider as the GOOD QUALITY of Housing.

This Statement is not completely true in the seance that some of the Low or Medium Classes Houses also can be categories as Good Quality Housing.

It is true that most of the High Class House will most probably in the Good Quality Condition.
Nevertheless,without probably maintenance a High Class Housing also can't be categories as Quality Housing.

Good Quality Housing also occur in the Low and Medium Housing like some of it below:

Medium Cost Housing in London

Public Housing in ShenYang China

Public Housing In Singapore

Quality Housing at Barcelona

The example above shows some of the Good Quality Housing in the Lower Class Types Housing.

A GOOD QUALITY HOUSING is a combination of many of aspects criteria to determines its Quality.

Future Post "Housing Quality in Design and Layout"
Stay Tune on it...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Housing Quality's Introduction

One of the aspects for hanving a GOOD QUALITY OF LIFE is having a GOOD & QUALITY Housing.

Housing is a major concern for all people in every corner of the world as the wellbeing of a country is reflected in its people enjoying a certain standard of living.

Residential and neighborhoods satisfaction is an important indicator of housing quality and condition, which affects individuals’ quality of life.

Housing Area in Los Angeles U.S

As our Quality of Lifestyle are getting better and better each day,

the demand of the Housing Quality had also become one of the issues that been consider when buying any of the properties.

The House buyer has their right to ensuring that their Houses are in the condition of:

  • Safe and sound Construction.
  • Peace of mind concerning the safety of their family.
  • Expectation that their project will not been abandoned and having their individual title.
  • Expectation their properties will comply with all prevailing local, state and federal building regulation and statutes.
  • Expectation on the quality material used in the housing construction and been installed in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and warranties.
  • Expectation that the quality of the structure is sound that all the mechanical systems and structural components will perform properly.
  • Protection of the Housing Development (Control & Licensing) Act and the assurance of close monitoring, policing and enforcement by the Housing and Local Government Ministry.

  • Protection of the Housing Development (Control & Licensing) Act and the assurance of close monitoring, policing and enforcement by the Housing and Local Government Ministry.

Therefore in these modern days, Quality of Housing is considering as parts of the Quality Lifestyle. It’s also reflecting the Quality of Life of that person.